Tuesday 20 September 2011

Day 6 of rehearsals (Thursday)

Today was pretty hectic,

We had rehearsals non stop all day and we only had a couple of breaks not like the usual days where half the time we're in the production suite doing nothing or the keyboard lab. Shadae was a no show again same as yesterday we saw her around in the morning she'd say she'd be up in a minute then we wouldn't see her until we finished for the day and she'd say those words ''Are we finished then??'' To be blunt its like a rusty nail being slowly drilled into my brain when i hear that its so retarded...Anyways The entire day we were focused on making sure that the tracks were as note perfect as we thought and they were honestly we were very bored of the tracks by today which isn't a bad thing because 9 times out of ten if your bored of a song you play it better when you actually perform it because you know the structure like the back of your hand. The show's tomorrow and im very excited about it but at the same time i want it over and done with.

Its gonna be good

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