Friday 9 September 2011

Day 2 of rehearsals:

All in all today was a very productive day.

We started the day in the Keyboard Lab but to be honest the group was not to bothered about this. We then moved to the Production Suite we could do absolutly nothing in there because there aren't any AMPS In the room and all the ones that you could take in there were already being used by a other groups, This made it very hard to make any real musical progress seeing as 2 hours we made none but, We did make the most of it.

Shadae was nowhere to be seen it was already 12:00 and no one had seen her and we were then due in the live room to rehearse for the first time today. This rehearsal slot was a very productive one by the time we ran through it a couple of times we had finally mastered playing ''Faint'' as a group. I started singing the chorus of the song and i was occasionally joining in with Gary's rap vocals and it made it very fun for me and everyone else. Although, I found it very hard to scream the breakdown and play the breakdown riff simmutaniously. I eventually found a way around it by letting Hana play the riff and i just play one note while the breaking is occuring. Rebecca also played along during the breakdown to put more into it so it'd sound heavier to the audiences ear. It was fine by the time we were comfortable enough to play it without the backing track although, We found it a whole lot easier to play it without the backing track funny enough. So when ''Faint'' was done we decided to move onto our second track ''Lyrical Tantrum'' By Gary we found this one alot easier than faint but the only problem we had was the timing/correctness with the Drums & Keyboards. After much time and effort it finally came to them, Me and Hana were pretty set because we had already sat down and worked it out together during the time we were in the Keyboard Lab. Shadae finally turned up at 2:30 and honestly neither me or the rest of the group were pleased in the slightest i mean, 10-20 minutes for traffic sure thats not a problem but four and a half hours is absolutly disgusting. She came in and sat on her phone barely did a thing and then she asked me to play my bass and due to past experiences i politley said no and she got very offended and walked out the room. She then came back when we were packing up to leave 30 minutes later. I don't even know why shes here to be honest. But anyway rants aside both the tracks are ready to perform next week we as a group will be perfecting the tracks for the audience nest week Friday. I can't wait.

So happy with my group with the one exeption. We're all getting on really well musically & socially (:
Love you guys <3

Bring on Monday i say!!!

*****END OF REPORT******

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