Tuesday 20 September 2011

Boot Camp 2011 Show Review:

Firstly i would like to give a shoutout to the first years for setting up the gear in the early start that they had so well done for that dudes & dudettes!!!

The show went really well. Had a few mistakes but hey thats just rock & roll!

When i got at the college i was given a friendly greeting by my group but as soon as that Pete had apprached me earliar yesterday asking me to play on both his tracks because he thought it was seriously lacking the thickness it needed so he wanted my help to play bass on his tracks so i aggreed and just asked him what key they were in because to be honest thats all i needed to know really.

We were the first group on and its rather challenging to be the first act up but to be honest i prefer it to just get it done with and enjoy the other groups afterwards is a real treat for me. As soon as we finished our track which went really well we got a good reception from the crowd...well what was of the crowd anyways..And Pete's group was the second on so i stayed on stage so we started his first track I kissed a girl by katy perry and honestly i rather enjoyed the track because i just went all out on it. No mercy!!! played a proper thick & dirty bass line underneath everything else and it sounded really good considering ive never played the track before in my life. So that went really well. When that finished i sat back and watched the other groups perform and i must say i was pretty impressed to what they had done. All of it was very tight. By the time it was our turn again it was our main track Faint and i just wanted to go all out on it i wanted to go nuts on it!!! But for some strange reason when i picked up my bass and started the track my bass was horribly out of tune every single string was almost like elastic and all the pegs were de-tuned sabotage?? I think it may have been foul play seeing as i tuned it myself with a TUNER and placed it behind everyone right before the group before us started playing i left the hall to go to the toilet i come back and it was like that i wasn't pleased at all and not only that my volume & tone nobs had fallen off my bass..im not to sure if that was because it was simply knocked it may be the case because i think someone would've noticed someone knocking the nobs off my bass but the whole de-tuning thing?? Its pretty possible that it was sabotaged. Theres no way that it was an accident. Anyway most of the song i was trying to tune my bass back up while playing & singing it was not easy at all..so i had to find a different way to play it while playing infront of a live audience. Then when the breakdown part came i screamed (as i do) and everyone stopped!!! It turns out that Davi got a little excited and flung his stick half way across the stage by complete accident i dont blame him at all for it seeing as he bounced right back within a few seconds but on stage during a song that may seem like a good while. Anyway we bounced back and finished it with a good reception. Straight after that i was playing bass for Petes group again this time it was their second track Flo Rida Travis Barker Remix and it was SICK!!! Again i'd never played it before but me & Pete just went crazy on it filling the instrumental parts with bass & drum solo's but the highlight for me was when the build up towards the end came and i did a crazy solo when it went quiet and me and pete just bounced straight back in with the progression of the track i love working with Pete its so easy to play music with him because we blend really well together. SO once that finished we got roars from the crowd i was rather proud of myself i then sat down and enjoyed the rest of the show. It ould have gone alot better i think in terms of audience because i felt it really wasn't enough seeing as the usual boot camp crowd is usually 200+ people honestly dont know what happened there but hey it was fun!! We packed up the gear and headed over to the park to celebrate and have a good time it was an excelent day!!!

WELL DONE GROUP ONE & TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on the new Term!!!

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