Friday 9 September 2011

Day 1 of rehearsals:

Today was officially the first day of rehearsals for the upcoming boot camp show. The first room we were put in for the day was the Production Suite. Before we got in there we thought it'd be an ideal time to disscuss in depth about the song choices but when we got in there we soon realized that there was no internet, It was really needed because Gary's Original was on youtube and we couldn't listen to it so, There was really nothing we could do for the first hour of the day apart from talk about the tracks/show we made some progress verbaly but we were ambitious to start practicing. We changed rooms and we were then in the Keyboard Lab being in here made it a little more entertaining for example we had the internet so we could listen to Gary's track and get a rough idea of the track itself. Me and Hana the groups guitarist were playing along to the youtube track when i found a simple yet effective chord progression that would blend with the track. Rebecca the group's Keyboard player gave us the notes and we pretty much just followed with the tempo after we knew the notes and it sounds pretty good for a rough guess to be honest. Shadae the groups....Not quite sure what she does really she said she sings & plays keyboards but she ''Doesn't sing infront of people'' And decides to go on her phone when she needs to play keyboards so not much has changed since last year when i was placed in her group so somehow im in this again. She made a decent effort during the course of the day when we were finally put into the Live Rooom (The first time we had actual rehearsing time together seeing as we were put in the keyboard lab & the production suite twice) She was following Rebecca with the keyboard playing side of things but of course she would be on her phone most of the time. Anyway Once we actually started rehearsing together it was pretty much a breeze for me & Hana we work pretty well together i taught her the progression of ''Faint'' & she picked it up relitivaly quickly so i was pleased about that. The only thing that took quite a long time was Rebecca working out the right notes for the synth into in ''Faint'' And Davi trying to figure out the correct drum pattern for the track, Its quite a fast paced track so i can completely understand why he was struggling keeping in time. The final rehearsal time for the day we decided to carry on working on ''Faint'' with the rapped vocals and Gary had it from the start he struggled alot on the second verse its pretty tongue twisting to be fair and we were more than willing to give him the time he needed to be able to rap it at will with the rest of the group. I pushed the group pretty hard to get it right for example as soon as the backing track finished i re-played it almost straight away just to make sure we could get it to the point where we knew it well enough to play without the track. I'm hoping it will be as fresh in their minds as it is in mine when it comes to playing it tomorrow but other than that Well done Group 1!!!! <3

*****END OF REPORT*****

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