Tuesday 13 September 2011

Day 4 of rehearsals:

Today was a fairly average day for me and the group. We were in the Live Room first thing so it was an awesome feeling to get stuck into rehearsals straight away. Something amazing happened at around 10:20 Shadae turned up relitavly on time...I was really suprised because after yesterday where she assured me that she was going to step up and work harder she was actually here kind of on time and ready to work. It was good until we actually started rehearsing she realized that because she spends so much time away from our rehearsal time she didn't actually know how to play the songs..None of the group was pleased by this especially Rebecca seeing as she's had to take over all keyboard duties on her own and has wasted hours trying to teach Shadae the songs. So of course natual Shadae behavior the phone came out and she didn't do anything apart from that until rehearsal finished. The songs are so tight right now i counted 1 mistake they are so solid everyone knows what they are doing apart from the one exeption but hey i've talked about that alot over the past few days. Once rehearsal time finished we were in the Drum Room straight away so we basically just carried on we managed to get the stops and starts in Gary's track perfect this time around. Shadae left the rehearsal room after 5 minutes and we never saw her for the rest of the day. We finished really early today because we all had other stuff to do for example i had keyboard stuff to do and the first years which are Hana, Gary & Becca had to do their target skills gold so we had 2 rehearsal slots today but to be honest we don't need to many as we are getting bored of playing the two songs already.

In terms of progress it was a good day.

******END OF REPORT******

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