Friday 24 February 2012

Theory in practice music Video shoot

Today we did a video shoot for a DVD we're gonna use as a fishing line to get us a gig for our final music performance project.

We all came in, the lights and camera equipment were already set up. In order to make it look good we moved all the gear on the other side of the room. I handled setting up the bass amp and tuning both the basses we used. I then moved onto setting up microphones and sound checking them. We decided to run through a couple of the tracks for a camera and lighting test, it went very well. We were all excited to do it for real.

The tracks we wanted to do was Duality by Slipknot, The Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr, Rolling by Limp Bizkit, and finally F**k me pumps by Amy Winehouse. We ran through Duality twice and we then moved on to Limp Bizkit to actually record and we shot two takes of it. We ran through the Ghostbusters theme twice aswell. we record two takes of each and time was running short so we had to hurry and film Duality. By this time I was quite nackered and Duality is an fast paced anger filled song that require's alot of energy. I wasn't as good that time around and I was a little gutted about it. Still, I gave it my all and I think it came out well. Not as good as I would've wanted it to be but maybe we can run through it next week.

We got a good load of decent footage and we may be adding more variety to the final mix of the DVD.

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