Friday 27 January 2012

2nd Official week of rehearsals.

Today we first ran through James's selected track 'Duality' by Slipknot.

The group consisted of:
Me - Vocals
Pete - Drums
James - Lead Guitar
Davi - Bass

The rehearsals went very well, I feel we have really got our act together for this track. We had stayed behind to rehearse it for a few hours the day before so by the time it was official rehearsal time the next day we had it by the balls. It honestly came natural to the group because it was a song we were all familiar with personally. The structure of the song and the song itself is a very aggresive one. It all came very naturally.

The second song we ran through was Pete's track 'Rollin' by Limp Bizkit.

This group consisted of:
Me - Vocals
Mali - Vocals
Pete - Drums
Davi - Bass
James - Guitar
Louise - Guitar (but we had to work without the second guitar because she has been absent for a good while now. and to be honest the rehearsal went better for everyone that way.

We had worked through this song a couple of times the previous week, The fast progression made on Pete's track has made it almost performable for the upcoming show on March 16th. Me and Mali we're exchanging ideas for the raped vocals and what eventually happened was we were taking turns on lines through verses to not only make it sound like a joint effort but to make the track flow more vocally. Musically its all together James, Davi, and Peter's musicianship on the track is so far immaculate.

Stay tuned for next week kids!!
Hear me naow!!!

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