Tuesday 18 May 2010

My rehearsal Schedule:

Song title: Not good enough for the truth in cliché by Escape the fate
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmaoK1wsCwk

We had to cut about a minute and half off of the song because we’re only aloud 02:30max and the song was around 03:30 so we had to cut quite a bit off. We decided to take one of the verses and also a chorus away so it would match the desired time.

The goals I set to achieve in my rehearsal was to:

1. To show my selected band the desired track and show them how to play it
2. To learn the song structure and chord progression.
3. For the musicians to play the song correctly and accurately.

I did achieve these goals to a certain extent. The musicians did learn the song rather quickly but the progression of the song took some time because it’s a genre that some of my classmates weren’t very used to overall it went pretty well.

The things that my band achieved:

1. Learned song structure.
2. Guitarist and bassist learned chord progression for the song.
3. The entire band now knows the song.

Things that I personally achieved:

1. As an MD I directed the band very well I instructed clearly and accurately to any changes and progressions needed.
2. In terms of my vocals im very pleased to how they sound I push my voice in places and I learned to stay in tune through the whole song. Also with practice im now able to scream vocals without any hesitation I have the confidence to.

Things that the band need to improve are that they need to show up on time and be prepared to be told what to do because when I direct a rehearsal I like to be heard whenever I talk and taken seriously and my band did that.

Overall my track is ready to go (:

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