Tuesday 18 May 2010

BFD planning to camera project:

List of the scenes in the video:
00:00 • Band Walks backstage
00:34 • Band walks onto stage
01:09 • Band picks up instruments Close-ups everyone
Curtain’s open
01:34 • Natural disaster clips Feature Sam & Tom2
• Chorus: drugs, drink Close ups everyone
03:29 • Breakdown argument Tom 2 + Glenroy + Margaret and Jon
04:38 • Head-banging Close ups everyone
• Breakdown no.1 Jon gets angry
• Eastern feel section Margaret gossips with Shamar about Jon
• Breakdown no.2 Band leave the stage, Glenroy last comments

List Of locations for the video shoot:
• Live room Band rehearsing
• Changing room Band hanging out/close ups mirrors
• Riverside Fight scene Tom2, Sam close ups
• Southwark park Running, walking

Tom2 Arrogant front man ‘’Mr know it all’’
Glenroy Business man, band manager
Gary Weirdo, Addict, Oddboy
Jon ‘’Mr super cool’’ with a bad temper
Margaret ‘’Gossip girl’’
Sam The Punk
Shamar ‘’Mr spender’’ unsigned rap artist
Tom1 Loan shark

Costume’s to be worn in different scenes

Stage scenes Black suites & ties
Other scenes Casual clothes and normal everyday wear

The clothing for my character is a dirty punky look with a bad attitude.
The bands clothes would vary depending on what the image of their character is for example my character is the punk so attitude and clothing alike has to be loud and say ‘’stay away from me’’.

Location ideas and explanations:
At the park it will show the true side to all members in the band we’re going to run at the camera and play fight with each other. The reason why the park was a good idea is to show the other side of misery with happiness and it was a good environment to shoot because it’s a big place to fool around and capture some silliness of the band

At the riverside it will show the dirtier side of London by the river it looks gritty and dirty and perfect for a rage filled fight scene seeing that two members of the band will be ‘’fighting’’. It is also the same location where Glenroy’s character will offer Shamar’s character a record deal.

At the block of flats its supposed to show the darker side of London including the abuse of drugs and violence. This is also the location of Tom1’s character ‘’The loan shark’’ trying to convince Glenroy’s character to pay him the money he owes.

In the end I was not in the video due to me having the flu.

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