Tuesday 15 March 2011

I guess the thing that gets to me the most is that we get 4 hours or less a WEEK to rehearse everyones tracks over the course of 8 weeks which in my opinion is disgraceful i hate the way we're expected to put on a full show without proper rehearsal time its retarded and after all this we're expected to blog about everything and summerise rehearsals in this blog firstly:

1. I'm performing on almost every track theirs at least 14 tracks and the original idea was 2 tracks per person so not only did i have to learn their first track but their backup aswell so time has not been a luxury

2. I'm having alot of personal issues at home and at college with a certain someone in my class its been really getting to me because theirs just shit everywhere i go and all i wanna do is play music and people in my class giving me shit for not doing this certain part right the thing about that us i like adding my own input to the tracks if i do exactly what the original musician did it would be pointless and i was always being pressured about being late or whatever but thats mainly because im always too busy learning EVERYONES track and rehearsing with them and ive been trying to keep my own creativity level at a high for everyones tracks ive been extremely busy at college over the ast 8 weeks and i wont lie it has been incredibly stressfull and all the drama ive been through hasnt helped either i play on if you may call me being dramatic but im being real i cant be expected to do all these things because im not the average person in terms of mentality.

Lastly all i wanna say is i tried and if it aint good enough then im sorry but its the best i could do.


It's going to be a complete disaster in terms of certain people havent rehearsed its getting to the point where im going to leave ive had enough that is all