Wednesday 12 January 2011

1st official rehearsal's

*Blog for the 11th of Jan 2011*

Today when the rehearsals officially started i went through a breif runthrough of 4 tracks:

For Daliya:

1. Violet stars happy hunting by janelle monae was one of her choices. With this track it is a very different, weird track its really funky and i enjoyed playing it with the selected band of course where this is only the first rehearsal some people were getting rather confused with the chord progression & way to play it most notibly was Louise she was getting rather frusterated with it and i didn't really understand why she didn't have any patientce with what we were doing. This is something she needs to get over along with her shyness in order to play not only this song but all the others aswell or she will ultimately come un-stuck in the end.

The only other person i have my doubts with is Pete while we were learning and trying to rehearse the track i thought he was being quite lazy about it only sorta playing when he thought was right dont get me wrong i like pete but as a musican to another musician he needs to get his game face on.

All in all the track will need some major work done to it in the further weeks of Daliya's rehearsal time. And i am yet to find out about her other choice.
Pete: Drums
Daliya: Vocals
Louise: Guitar
Solomon: Keyboards/Synths
Me: Bass

The next person i had a rehearsal with was Jon:

1. Whats my name by Rihanna was actually a suprising success musician wise Jon took my aside breifly and played me the first note and i pretty much knew where to go for the rest of the song. The chord progression didn't stray to far from the usual progression in R&B so for me it wasn't difficult. Daylia's vocal performance was rather supurb even though it was the first rehearsal of this track it was sung very nicely. As for drums once again i felt Pete was being lazy with it. I also felt that i couldn't follow him very well as a bass player and he's a drummer which are of course two key elements of band driven music. We'll have to see what happens in later rehearsal times
Jon: Keyboards
Pete: Drums
Daliya: Vocals
Malakai: Vocals
Me: Bass

2. Broken Hearted Girl by Beyonce was also an easy-ish track to follow for me and it was a pretty good rehearsal in this track the only instruments present were Piano, Bass, Vocals and a few violins's (which we dont have to worry about) drums come in a little later on in the track which we will have to see about because we didn't have drums for that track *ahem* other than that im sure this will be one of the easier ones.
Jon: Keyboards
Pete: Drums
Daliya: Vocals
Me: Bass

And finally James's selected track:

1. Juno by Funeral For A Friend i was more than happy with James's song choice mainly because the band that perform this song are one of my favs and the song is my fav song by them so i was pretty open minded about the track seeing as i already knew how to play the song in full. The only thing i will say is that James needs serious practice time for the strumming pattern for the track which he finds really difficult but im sure he will nail it with loads of practice. I'm playing bass plus im singing/screaming on the track.
James: Guitar
Gary: Guitar
Pete: Drums
Me: Vocals & Bass


Tuesday 11 January 2011

song plans

For my track i am stuck between ideas. The songs i have chosen are:

Rise from your grave by Glamour Of The Kill:

& Day in Day out by Architects:

The band:

Pete on drums
James on guitar
Gary on guitar
This is the band that i want for either of my tracks but for the Architects track i would need someone to play bass for i want to completely front the band with just vocals but if the Glamour of the kill is chosen as the track i will play Bass and Sing for the track.

I've got a feeling i will be playing on most of the tracks for the performance (which im fine with)
I know i'll be playing Bass on Daylia's track, *Violet stars happy hunting*
Vocals & playing bass on Petes track, *The metal by Tenacious D*
Bass on Louise's track, *For a perssimest im pretty optimistic by Paramore*
On Gary's track possibly vocals & Bass *either Kasabian or Gary's Original*
Vocals & Bass on Davi's track *The pretender by foo fighters*
Vocals & Bass on Semaj's track *Escape Artists Never Die By Funeral For A Friend*

To be continued...