Wednesday 10 March 2010

Health and fitness week

Day 1:
I woke up and ate some cereal then walked to college it took me roughly 10mins to get there and during the day i did alot of walking to get to classes and at break walking to the shop.
at lunch i ate a burger and a coke
when i came home i diddnt have dinner or anything.

Day 2:
woke up, went to college diddnt eat anything that morning otherwise i would have been late. at break i had a milkshake & a coke at lunch i had a sandwich and for dinner later that night i had pizza.

Day 3:
I woke up, ate some cereal then walked to college it took me roughly 10mins to get there and during the day i did alot of walking to get to classes and at break walking to the shop.
at lunch i ate a kebab
when i came home i diddnt have dinner or anything i was still full.

Day 4:
woke up, stayed in bed til like mid-day ate around 2ish i had micro pizza and some beer, at dinner time i had fish and chips.

Day 5:

Meeting about the video shoot for Misery

Today we discussed as a class what and when will be happening in the video we talked about timing in the actual video we were also listening to the track we made and deciding where things would come in and out of the video.

We also talked about the scenes in the video deciding where each persons individual screen time in the video.

after we discussed video ideas we played the backing track picked up our instruments and practiced miming performing to the music for the upcoming video we had two takes and then it was lunch overall a good day got some energy out and we're more prepared.

Shooting begins on Monday the 15th of march
its most likely going to be an all day shoot.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Video Planning

this afternoon we discussed the video in depth to how we are going to record it we were also discussing video locations/costumes and ideas we have for the image of the video to fit the selected track Misery.

i said that if the media department cant edit it due to tight schedules i can edit the viceo for the assignment.

Recording our version of Misery by Gallows

Main roles of the first deplomas:

Gary: lead guitar
Tom 2: Drums/vocals/screamed vocals
Margaret: vocals
Glenroy: lead keys
Tom 1: lead spanish guitar
last but not least me on bass (:

We started the day by setting up equipment we set up all the instruments, mics and all the necessary equipment to record misery.
We then decided that the main instruments of the track like bass, guitar and drums should be recorded first as sort of a ''master track'' with me gary and tom it only took 3 takes and overall we did our jobs really well after this we decided to focus on the intro then keyboardist (Jon) walked out and left college which was a really stupid decision not for him but for the rest of the class then rapper (shamar) left college and we needed a new keyboardist and a rapper so thankfully Glenroy steppped and took shamars and jons roles and litrally saved the intro. after we recorded the keyboards for the intro Tom1 provided a spanish guitar solo for the intro and it fitted really really well after that we decided to record vocals Tom 2 recorded his loud screamed vocals which were really good i then stepped in and did some screaming vocals with toms vocal track and they both went together brilliantly couldnt be happier with the final result of the track when its mixed its gonna be sick WELL DONE FIRST DIPLOMAS'S!!!!!!!!!!!